Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Post-Anesthesia Post

I'm going to start an ongoing post of all of the things I want to do when I have time. AKA- The Post-Anesthesia Post. Everyday I think of something that I'd like to do, but don't have the time and/or money to do it right now. I don't want to forget about all of these great ideas, so I'll keep track here on the blog. It's a bit of a bucket list, I suppose.
Today's idea:
Write a children's book
I have the characters in my head already and have ideas for illustrations. I can't draw, but I like the style of Shirley. 

 I have a fondness for old kids books because the illustration is so different than books today. My favorite out of my collection is Captain Kitty, illustrated by Elizabeth Webbe.

The illustrations are adorable and the poem is sweet: 
"Oh Captain Kitty, where have you been? 
I've been sailing the ocean blue
And Tabby came as my first mate
And Pearly and Mew were the crew!"
I used to have the whole book memorized.Thanks Ma for reading me this wonderful book! Butterbean better get ready, because he's going to hear this one a lot!
One of my favorite illustrations from the book

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