Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bad Sleeping Habits...and a tooth

 First things first - ButterBean officially has his first tooth! Yeeaaahhh! There won't be a picture of the cute little toothie because whenever he opens his mouth, his ridiculous tongue is hanging out.
I've already chronicled how the ButterBean despises sleeping. Nap time is getting better, but he still needs coaxing, a bottle, and snuggles to go down for a nap. He used to be a pretty good night time sleeper, with one or two whimpers requiring a pacifier reinsertion. Now, we have a problem. It could be the teeth, but I think it's genetics. I shall explain:
I had to bring the sleep-deprived babe to my mother-in-law's house today for a couple hours. I had some 'splaining to do because my sweet boy has two big bruises on his forehead!! I don't want any rumors going around that I'm a bad mama, so I filled her in on our bad night. ButterBean went to bed as usual - reluctantly. Then at 1am he was up screaming. Little bottle, little snuggle, back to bed. Unfortunately, the stinker wasn't so keen on being put in the crib. We've talked about letting him "cry it out", so we tried it.
not. good
There was thrashing, screaming, and gnashing of tooth. And apparently smashing of heads into the crib rails!
We gave in and brought him in our bed so we could get some sleep. Of course, he went to sleep fine when snuggled between us.
In the morning when I woke up, there was my boy with two bruises on his head. Guilt!!
Anyway, after I explained Bean's forehead, my mother-in-law told me how my dear hubby, Gatsby, behaved at about this age. Apparently, Gatsby threw such fits and jumped around in his crib so much when he was supposed to be sleeping, that he broke the mattress (this is why I say it is genetics). Their solution was to let him cry it out in a pack-n-play. It worked. Sooo, a pack-n-play may be in our near future. But tonight, around 1am, there will be a baby in my bed.


  1. Oh my goodness. I just LOVE him. That second picture is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Do you just kiss him all day?! :)

  2. Yes!! Soooo many kisses! I'm surprised his cheeks aren't chapped from all of my kisses!
