Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fall fun

Full swing into fall! It's official of course because I have my at-least-once-a-week pumpkin spice latte and there is a continual loaf of pumpkin bread on my counter.
Babies playing in leaves is one of the cutest things! Cue montage of baby in leaves!! (My sister took these photos...talent!)

ButteBean with the aforementioned sister
Oh, and one little detail that makes this fall extra special: I'm DONE WITH ANESTHESIA SCHOOL!!! El fin! Ok, almost el fin! I still have to pass this pesky biggie, just the scariest biggest test of my life: the certification exam!! Even with that looming, I'm still overjoyed to never go to clinicals as a student, go to class, write a paper, or have a group project EVER again!! Hardest 27 months of my life are over! 
That's right ButterBean!! Mommy's almost a CRNA!!

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