18 months old and still the cutest boy to have roamed the earth! I'm a lucky mama!
First I must address the above picture. What time warp was he put in during the taking of this photo? It's like a glimpse of the future adult ButterBean!!Anyway, at 18 months his favorite words make him a total boy:
"Caw" = car or outside, whichever he feels like
"Daaa" = still raving about dogs
"Baaa" = Ball
Other words just make me laugh every time he says them --
"heenghh", which is lotion, soap, anything else that can be rubbed into skin or into his "hayyh" (hair)...diaper cream in your hair? Sure! Yogurt? You bet! Nothing better than hennghh in your hayyh, right?
Many words are still very similar
"Ba-ul" (Bottle) could be easily confused with "Bah!" (glass of water) or "Baaa", which is ball.
"Bey-ee" = belly
"Bay-ee" = berry
"Bay" = bear
And here he is with a favorite toy: mommy's "tone"