Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Softie

Back before ButterBean was even born, we were given a small green fuzzy blanket with silky edges by Swaddle Designs. I knew right away this would become a favorite! Before I gave it to him as a newborn, I slept with it next to me so that it would smell like Mama. 16 months later, the "softie", as we call it, still goes everywhere with him! We searched for a duplicate to have as a back up, but couldn't find one at the local store that sells them. We've bought 2 similar blankets, but lost both of them. A close friend, however, bought an exact replica for him for his birthday and it has been a great addition! 

ButterBean calls the blanket his "AhNana" (said in a sweet, soft voice). When he urgently wants it, he squeals "AhNaNaaaaaa!!!!" When he spots AhNana, his face lights up! As soon as he gets his hands on that blanket he smooshes his face in it and smiles so sweetly. He also offers AhNana to everyone else and rubs it on their faces as well. 
I've noticed that the blanket creeps into the majority of our pictures: 
When Softie was still fresh and new!

Back in the day! He still loves Peekaboo with Softie

There it is again

ButterBean and Bunny wrapped in Softie

ButterBean sitting inside a drum with Softie. Why? Good question!
AhNana is definitely the most frequent word ButterBean uses! Lord help us if we lose both of our Softies! It's funny because we have an ever-present Softie-Radar. If he drops it we are both diving to save it from getting lost. Before we go anywhere the question is "Do you have Nukie (his pacifier) and Softie?". Soon I'll try to wean him from the nuk, but Softie/Ahnana is going to be around for a loooong time!

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