Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Time!!!

Glorious Glorious Day!! Springtime has arrived early!!! As one who counts down the days until winter is over, I am very grateful for this gift of an early spring. 80 degrees, sunny, windows open! It's almost like summer...minus green grass and leaves on trees.
We've put away most of our winter stuff
And we headed outside. Mr. Independence/ButterBean won't hold my hand and has already acquired scrapes on his hand and arm. He has a great time on walks when he can see dogs, other kids, and cars. Rocks have been confused with food. I foresee many happy hours at the park this spring and summer. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

the SEE exam

I've been busy - no time for blogging! I've been out in Wisconsin for my "rural" rotation, putting in spinals, epidurals, and other blocks. I didn't think I'd like it, but it is soooo rewarding to see your patient suddenly stop feeling pain. Loved it! 
This upcoming weekend I have to take the horrible SEE (self evaluation exam). It's actually a test used to help schools know how well they have prepared their little students...buuutt, we still have to get a certain score. I'm not looking forward to it. I feel like I study study study and I retain .004% of it. No worries - 258 days until graduation.

about to close the door

The little ButterBean and I got a few quality days together when I didn't go to clinical (one day due to snow and other days when there weren't surgeries scheduled). He's jabbering away and has finally added "MAMA" to his repertoire! 
Thus far we have "mama" (usually when he's on the verge of a meltdown)
"dada" (all the time 'dadadadadadadada')
"papa" (which we interpret as both pattycake and grandpa depending on the situation) 
"byebye" (always said in a high pitch as soon as coats are put on or someone goes out the door)